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Post-it Note White Out Wipe out | Unknown
Added December 2008

Found abandoned on the office counter.
Questionable decisions frequently have surprising results.

-- Dr. Klesko

Occassionally, you can find my dreams abandoned on the office counter; also, used and balled tissues, bits of bacon, and a Pink Pearl eraser with the word JANGLED scrawled on it.

-- Steve Stoner

I love the symbolism here:
the delta change guy has felled an exclamation point, eaten the head and now dances on it's flaccid husk. The exclamation point's domestic partner looks on in horror while a stray question mark has wandered into the scene and looks on dispassionately. The fact that all this is done in the ancient cave painting house style rendered in White-Out on a blue post it note clearly makes this a workerart masterpiece. A ray of brilliance in this otherwise dark and foreboding time.

-- Frank Delgado